The Lost Art of Contentment: 12 Ways to Grow This Best-Kept Secret in Your Life
woman experiencing contentment
by Tonya Wetzel
January 28, 2024
Discover the transformative power of cultivating contentment with practical steps to bring genuine joy and fulfillment into your life. Create lasting positive change and embrace a life of purpose and satisfaction.

Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? Even though everything seems to be going right, happiness still seems elusive, and you feel like your life lacks meaning. The lost art of contentment may help you rediscover your joy and fill the void that you can’t quite put your finger on.

Happiness vs. Contentment 

A lot of time and money is spent on the pursuit of happiness. But happiness is an emotion and, therefore, can come and go with our circumstances. Conversely, contentment is a state of mind that can create happiness despite circumstances. Contentment will serve you well on both bad and good days.

True contentment is based on deep satisfaction and being made whole in the Lord. There are many obstacles in our daily lives that draw us away from contentment. Comparison, worry, fear, unrealized expectations, and seeking an Instagram-worthy life can all distract us from the joy of contentment. In the pursuit of lasting contentment, there are practical steps we can take to build a more joy-filled life and overcome these stumbling blocks.

True contentment is based on deep satisfaction and being made whole in the Lord.

Let’s take a look at some simple ways to grow contentment in your life:

12 Ways to Cultivate Contentment

1. Gratitude Journaling and Prayer: Start your day by acknowledging at least 3 positive aspects of your life. Grab a journal, jot these down, and then turn to the Lord in prayer to thank him for his good gifts. This simple practice can shift your focus from what’s lacking to what abounds in your life. Gratitude works as both a fertilizer and a fruit of contentment.

2. Mindful Living: Practicing mindfulness is crucial in a world filled with distractions. Pay attention to the present moment, whether you’re eating, walking, or spending time with loved ones. By being fully present, you’ll discover the richness of each experience.

3. Simplify Your Space: Decluttering your living space can profoundly impact your mental well-being. Take time to assess your belongings and let go of things you don’t need. A tidy environment fosters a sense of order and calm. Read the parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12:13-21 for some inspiration about the folly of accumulating too many possessions.

4. Nurture Relationships: Invest time and energy in building meaningful connections with friends and family. Engage in conversations that uplift and encourage one another in faith. Build lasting bonds and memories. Strong relationships provide a sense of belonging and support.

5. Mind-Body Connection: Prioritize your physical health to enhance your overall well-being. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and rest/sabbath contribute to a healthy mind-body connection and build resilience to live a life of worth. Honoring your body is a form of gratitude for the gift of life.

6. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that you are a work in progress but that your sins and weaknesses don’t define you. Treat yourself with the same grace that God abundantly bestows upon you.

7. Set Realistic Goals: While aspirations are essential, setting realistic goals ensures a sense of achievement without overwhelming yourself. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps and celebrate your progress along the way. God gives us all unique gifts and talents; we find peace when we put those to work for his glory.

8. Unplug and Reconnect with Nature: Take breaks from screens and immerse yourself in nature. Whether walking in the park, hiking in the mountains, or enjoying a sunset, connecting with nature can bring a profound sense of peace and awe of God’s creation.

9. Discernment to Say No: Understanding your limits and respecting your time is crucial. Learn to say no to commitments that don’t align with your values and God’s calling for your life. We create unnecessary stress when we burden ourselves with too many obligations.

10. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Transform your mind by reading and meditating on scripture. The more time you spend in the Word, the more it shapes your thoughts and creates a positive mindset.

Here are some great scripture verses about contentment; memorize to help you meditate on scripture. 

11. Join a Local Church: Being a part of the body of Christ is not just about communal worship and learning doctrine; it’s also about connection and community.

12. Relinquish Control: Trying to cling to control of every aspect of your life can have a dizzying and overwhelming effect. By surrendering to God’s will, we experience a more profound sense of joy, peace, and freedom.

One Exercise To Shift Your Perspective 

In seasons when I’m struggling with contentment, one exercise always shifts my perspective. I make a list of everything I have that I don’t deserve. I follow that up with a list of everything I deserve, but God’s mercy protected me from receiving. It’s pretty paradigm-shifting and brings me back into a moment of overflowing gratitude and contentment.

Like any habit, cultivating contentment takes time, effort, and self-reflection to become a regular practice, but it’s so worth the effort.

These are all habits to help us focus on the blessings of life and live from a place of contentment. Like any habit, it takes time, effort, and self-reflection to become a regular practice, but it’s so worth the effort. As you work towards contentment, I hope these practical steps help to fill your heart with genuine joy and your life with fulfillment.

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