Renew and Reflect: 31 Midyear Christian Journal Prompts

Explore 31 impactful midyear Christian journal prompts to realign goals, deepen your faith, and reflect on your year.
by: Tonya Wetzel
June 25, 2024
Explore 31 impactful midyear Christian journal prompts to realign goals, deepen your faith, and reflect on your year.

In Psalms 62:8, David tells us to “pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” We do this regularly through prayer and worship. Journaling is another way to bear our hearts to our Father. It’s an opportunity to assess some of our more profound thoughts and spend some time reflecting on where we have seen God at work in and around us. Midyear journaling is a great time to pause, reflect on your year so far, and set some intentions for the next six months. Here are some introspective, goal-based, and midyear Christian journal prompts to help you spend some time reflecting:

Midyear Christian Journal Prompts

1. What has God taught me most so far this year?
2. What celebrations and wins (large and small) have I experienced over the past six months?
3. What challenges have I experienced, am currently in, or have overcome this year?
4. How might God use these difficulties to work for good in the long term?
5. Where have I seen God the most this year?
6. How have I been a light to others so far this year?
7. Is there something from this year that I’m holding onto and need to surrender to God?
8. How have I used my gifts and talents this year to serve God and my church family?
9. What aspect of God’s character have I learned the most this year?
10. What scripture passage have I been called to most in the past few months?
11. Have I been angry with God over anything this season?
12. Is there something I have been trying to keep hidden from God?
13. Where have I had a hard time trusting God so far this year?
14. What am I doing to create an atmosphere of praise in my daily life?
15. ​​How has God shown up for me so far this year that gives me confidence that he will show up for me in the future?
16. In what ways has the Holy Spirit been working on me to make me more like Jesus?
17. Are there times I should have gone to God first but didn’t?
18. What can I do to remind myself to go to God first when similar situations arise in the future?
19. Am I harboring unforgiveness towards someone this year that I can take time to forgive now?
20. How have I made room for rest and Sabbath this year?

Midyear Goal-Based Journal Prompts

21. Where am I on each of my goals for the year?
22. Do I need to adjust, stop, or start any goals?
23. Where have I been unsuccessful this year, and what have I learned from it?
24. Where have I excelled this year, and what have I learned from it?

Midyear Introspective Journal Prompts

25. What has brought me the most joy so far this year?
26. What single word best represents my year thus far?
27. Review my monthly journal reflections from this year. Do I see any themes or lessons?
28. What am I doing to take care of my physical and emotional body? Is it working?
29. Have my actions over the past six months reflected my values?
30. How have I intentionally fed my spirit this year?
31. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down all the things I can think of that I am grateful for.

Journaling should be a process of gaining clarity, finding hope, and setting plans for the future. Even if you’ve missed your goals for the year or realize that you haven’t prioritized God, this is the perfect time for a reset. It’s never too late to change our direction.

Throughout scripture, we see countless examples of imperfect individuals who found renewed purpose and hope through faith, regardless of their past. Joel 2:12-14 calls us to turn to the Lord with all of our hearts. It reminds us that God is compassionate, slow to anger, and abounds in faithful love. This passage emphasizes God’s call to sincere repentance and the promise of His gracious response.

Whether it’s pursuing new ambitions or rekindling our faith, God’s grace is always available. He offers us a fresh start and guides us towards fulfillment in Him. What an amazing God we serve!

Mid-year Journaling Benefits

There are so many positive benefits to midyear journaling, to both our spirit and our soul.

Goal Evaluation and Adjustment

Circumstances change throughout the year. Reflecting on the goals set at the beginning of the year helps us to evaluate our progress and make necessary adjustments based on new insights.

Stress Reduction

Writing down our thoughts and feelings can be cathartic, reducing stress and anxiety. It can also help us clarify confusing or overwhelming situations.

Personal Development

Self-reflection can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of our thoughts and actions. Monitoring progress and changes in our lives can help to bolster our self-esteem.

Spiritual Growth

Journaling about how God has worked in our lives and the lives of those around us encourages and helps us keep our hearts and minds focused on him. It can also help us strengthen our faith and trust in His plans for our future.

Discernment and Guidance

Writing down our thoughts, desires, and decisions while seeking God’s guidance can help us discern His will for our lives more clearly.

Gratitude and Contentment

Focusing on what we are grateful for fosters a spirit of gratitude and contentment. It helps us to recognize and appreciate God’s provision and blessings in our lives.

If you’re interested in reading more about journaling as a spiritual disciple, I found this article from Pepperdine University interesting. 

Midyear journaling offers a valuable opportunity for self-reflection, goal assessment, and spiritual growth. By pausing, reflecting, and connecting with God, we can gain clarity, reduce stress, and foster gratitude. Remember, it’s never too late to start journaling and reaping the benefits it offers. Take time midyear as an opportunity to find renewal and refocus on what truly matters.

Tonya is a 500hr RYT based in Coastal Mississippi. She loves that she gets to share the joy and healing that yoga brought to her life. In addition to teaching yoga, she flips houses with her husband. Tonya is a travel enthusiast who loves the outdoors and adventure. You'll find her at the local beach, volunteering at the animal shelter, and playing with her forever and foster dogs.


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