Breaking the New Year’s Resolution Rut: Value-Based Goals for Long-Term Success 
New Year’s Resolution
by Tonya Wetzel
December 25, 2023
Discover the secret to New Year's resolutions that last beyond January. Delve into the foundations of authenticity, intrinsic motivation, and resilience as you journey towards a life that reflects your deepest beliefs and aspirations.

As the calendar turns its final page, millions of people worldwide partake in the tradition of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Despite its popularity, a recent survey revealed that most resolutions last less than 4 months, and only 6% stuck with their goals! Whew, those numbers are a downer.

So why do so many resolutions fall by the wayside, and how can you create resolutions that last? Let’s consider the importance of focusing on values over outcomes for setting goals.

Understanding Value-Based Goal Setting

Setting goals that align with your core values and beliefs, rather than focusing on outcomes, holds profound significance for long-term success and personal growth. When goals are rooted in core beliefs, they reflect your authentic desires and aspirations for life. These goals then become a powerful tool. They provide a road map to help navigate life’s complexities, lead to satisfaction, and nurture a purpose-driven life.

When goals are rooted in core beliefs, they reflect your authentic desires and aspirations for life.

Outcome-oriented goals often rely on external factors, whereas value-based goals align with who you are. Instead of focusing on achievements, these goals prioritize the process and find meaning in the activities that support the goal. This approach shifts the focus from “What should I achieve?” to “What is important to me?” and “How can I honor God with my life?”

This emphasis encourages you to consider the underlying reasons behind your goals. It promotes a more mindful and intentional approach to decision-making and guides you to choose actions that align with your fundamental beliefs.

Foundation of Authenticity

One key advantage of value-based goal setting is its authenticity. Setting goals based on your core beliefs makes you more likely to pursue endeavors that genuinely reflect your beliefs and aspirations. This enhances satisfaction with the process and builds a sense of integrity.

Creating Intrinsic Motivation

Traditional goal setting relies on external motivations, such as rewards or recognition. Value-based goal setting taps into your intrinsic motivation – your internal drive to work on something meaningful. This internal motivation tends to be more sustainable.
When connected to your faith, working on goals holds as much meaning and fun as achieving them. The journey begins to fuel itself with perseverance and resilience.

Value-based goal setting taps into your intrinsic motivation – your internal drive to work on something meaningful.

Cultivating a Balanced Life

Value-based goal setting encourages a holistic approach to life by considering multiple aspects of well-being. Traditional goals generally focus on career, financial, or fitness achievements. Goals based on principles are more likely to focus on nurturing health, relationships, spiritual growth, and a fulfilling life.

Enhanced Decision Making

Values act as a compass, guiding your daily decision-making. When goals align with your core beliefs, decisions become clear and filled with purpose. This value-driven decision-making process reinforces the pursuit of meaningful goals and contributes to a sense of coherence in your life.

Adaptability and Resilience

Value-based goals foster adaptability and resilience. Life is dynamic, and unforeseen challenges are inevitable. But values are enduring. When facing the complexity of a changing life, if your goals are principle-based, then you can adjust your strategies while staying true to what is most meaningful.

Practical Steps for Value-Based Goal Setting

Identify Your Core Values: Begin reflecting on your core principles. What ideals guide your behavior and decisions? Take time to identify what values resonate with you most. Love, compassion, integrity, humility, and service to others are just a few that resonate with the Christian life.

Want to create a life of joy? Learn about seven ways to cultivate happiness in this blog.

Prayerful Planning: A crucial aspect of developing and sticking with goals is aligning your will and ambition with God’s. This intentional and prayerful approach ensures that goals are not driven solely by personal desires but are aligned with the solid foundation of scripture.

Clarify Your Personal Vision: Envision the life you want to lead and the person you want to become. What does this look like for you? Compare this to where you are now, and set goals to help you achieve your vision.

Use SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound): Once you clearly understand your vision, write these down as SMART goals. This framework provides a practical structure for your goals.

Read all about the process of setting SMART goals in this post

Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: Priorities may evolve over time, so it’s essential to periodically evaluate your goals. Adjustments may be necessary as life circumstances change. I like to journal and reflect on my goals four times a year, with the changing of the seasons.

Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate any progress you make towards your goals. Recognizing achievements, regardless of size, reinforces the connection between you, your values, and your goals, fueling further motivation.

Accountability and Fellowship: Sharing your goals with trusted friends, family members, and your local fellowship provides a support system and accountability.

Value-based goal setting offers a profound shift from the conventional, externally driven approach.

In a world with competing priorities and diverse ambitions, value-based goal setting offers a profound shift from the conventional, externally driven approach. The journey towards your goals becomes as important as the destination itself.

By aligning goals with values and beliefs, you tap into a powerful source of motivation, authenticity, and fulfillment. This helps you create a life reflecting your deepest beliefs and aspirations. Ultimately, it’s not just about achieving goals; it’s about living a life that resonates with purpose and meaning.

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